Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Bus dedicated tunnel the only solution for Northern Beaches commuters

Jul 19, 2012News

The RTBU Bus and Tram Division has called on the NSW Government to commit to a two-lane bus dedicated tunnel from Spit Junction following the release of the Northern Beaches bus rapid transit pre-feasibility study.

The NSW Government must commit to building a two-lane tunnel dedicated exclusively to buses connecting the Spit Junction with the Warringah Freeway if it wants to provide a serious solution to transport congestion on the Northern Beaches.

RTBU NSW Bus and Tram Division Secretary Chris said the bus rapid transit prefeasibility study released yesterday by the government covered six options but only a bus dedicated tunnel would ensure ongoing reliable bus travel without adverse impacts on the community.

“Dedicated bus lanes over the Spit Bridge have provided some relief but the tunnel will bypass congestion from Spit Junction along Military Rd and ensure a smooth run into the city.

“This will encourage more people to choose public transport as an option which will have a better outcome for congestion in the city and a better outcome for the environment.

Mr Preston said he was pleased to see the release of this report and the commitment shown towards solving the congestion problems long-suffering commuters face on the Northern Beaches.

“But now we need to see action and a commitment to implementing the option that will actually see this problem addressed in the long-term.

“The people of the Northern Beaches have been stuck in traffic jams for way too long. It is time to see investment in transport infrastructure for this community.”

Mr Preston said he also hoped that any new initiative for bus transport on the Northern Beaches would also addresss issues of bus congestion coming into the city at Wynyard.

“We need to see planning in Sydney that ensures transport is effectively integrated.”


