Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

BREAKING: private tenders announced

May 14, 2020Updates

The NSW Government has today announced the official tender process for the privatisation of regions 7, 8 and 9.

This is an outrageous attack on your jobs and on commuter services.

Privatising our remaining public bus services is bad enough. To do it under the cover of COVID-19 when bus drivers and other transport workers are putting themselves in harm’s way for the greater benefit of our community is disgraceful.

You deserve better from this government. Bus drivers have put themselves and their families at risk lately, and this is how we’re repaid.

What’s next?

While today’s news is certainly disappointing, it won’t stop us from continuing to fight against privatisation. We can’t afford to stop – we know that privatisation results in a poorer service for commuters and puts the wages and conditions of workers at risk. We simply won’t sit back and let that happen without a fight.

This isn’t over until the paperwork is signed. And that’s a long way off yet.

The RTBU worked hard to secure a commitment from the NSW Government that in the event of privatisation, all jobs would still be secure for next two years. Of course that’s a big win, but we want more. We want to see this shocking decision reversed and our bus services kept in public hands. We know that the political landscape makes for an uphill battle, but that won’t stop us from standing strong together and giving it our all.

The Tram and Bus Division will be balloting members this week to gauge your views on our next steps. Stay tuned for more on that and for more information on member updates.

And of course, if you have any questions at all at any stage, please don’t hesitate to contact your local delegate or the union office.

What can I do?

United, we can make a difference. There are a few things you can do today to immediately to help pressure the NSW Government to back down.

  1. Call the Premier’s office and get your friends and family to do the same. Ask Gladys Berjiklian to reverse this shocking decision. You can reach her on 02 8574 5807.
  2. Ask your family and friends to call talkback radio.
    IMPORTANT REMINDER: Remember your code of conduct. STA employees aren’t able to speak to the media about your employer. But your friends and family can! Just make sure you are not identified. Click here to register to call talkback. https://ourtransport.org.au/register-to-call-talkback-radio/
  3. Email Constance: send an email to the Minister and ask him to reserve his decision.
    Go to https://ourtransport.org.au/complain-to-constance/ to send a Complaint to Constance about his bus privatisation plans.
  4. Stay up to date with the union: speak to your delegate if you have any questions and stay tuned for more info about ballots and briefings.

Thanks for standing united through this difficult period – COVID-19 and the privatisation fight. These are tough times, but united, we’ll get through this.

In solidarity,

David Babineau and Daniel Jaggers

