Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Blitz on buses and drivers continues

Jul 17, 2014Updates

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Police and Inspectors from Roads and Maritime have ramped up their blitz on buses and bus drivers expanding their net to the STA fleet after earlier swoops on private bus services. On Friday 11th July, 2014 inspectors and Police descended on the Port Botany and Hamilton depots, finding a considerable number of what they described as minor defects.

The STA fleet seemed to be in much better condition than the privates that were hit, thus delivering another blow to the pathetic argument for privatisation. Obviously RTBU members have been booking up faults, and although some annoying issues take too long to be addressed (over 30 faults were found), our vigilance has paid off.

Two swab drug tests, which initially showed positive, were later deemed negative, with confirmation to come from final urine tests. Well done to all RTBU members involved. In particular David Sousa – Relief Delegate Port Botany Depot and Glen Saunders – Relief Delegate Hamilton, who spent the day protecting members interests.

