Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Bad planning leads to bus chaos in Sydney

Jan 7, 2015Updates

Bus drivers and passengers alike were extremely frustrated during peak hour on Monday morning with delays of almost two hours in some areas. For many commuters returning to work after the Christmas break it was a terrible start to the working year.

Roads were closed because of work on the new light rail line and bad planning meant that chaos ensued.

The delays caused a huge amount of stress for many of our members who bore the brunt of the bad planning and had to deal with the traffic chaos and upset passengers.

On Monday, Roads Minister Duncan Gay said that it had been “a pretty crappy morning”. But the NSW government today confirmed there is no plan in place yet to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

This is a huge concern for our members. What will happen when the next stage of work on the light rail begins?

How will the government manage the massive disruptions that will take place in the coming 2-3  years as light rail construction continues?

Will the frustration and stress continue for drivers and passengers?

Bus and Tram Division Secretary Chris Preston raised these concerns in the media:

– Read the Sydney Morning Herald article here

– Listen to Chris Preston’s interview on 2GB here.

