Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Assaults on bus drivers on the rise – the Union speaks out

Aug 27, 2013Updates

Assaults on bus drivers have increased leading to more calls from the union for greater driver security.

Last night Channel 10 aired a report featuring new statistics on driver assaults gleaned from Freedom of Information figures.

Watch the full Channel 10 report here.

A worrying part of the report included the disgusting rise in spitting assaults, adding to physical and verbal attacks.

The Union said the statistics backed up what it has been saying for quite some time – that members need more support from STA in staying safe on the job.

One way to boost driver security includes the installing three quarter screens in all buses, similar to those currently operating in Newcastle after dark.

The Union says these screens now need to be extended to the rest of the Sydney and Newcastle fleet.

