Asbestos scare hits Yarra Trams

Photo: Simon Schluter in The Age
A new asbestos scare has hit trams in Victoria with the dangerous substance found in three newly built electrical substations, one of which is located next to a children’s playground.
The asbestos flooring was imported by a subcontractor from China, and is the second time Robin Johnson Engineering has been found to be using the illegal material in as many months.
This is a worrying trend as governments increasingly turn to privatisation to try and cut costs. But in a fight to the bottom for the lowest prices, something has to give, and in this case, the government is putting health and safety at risk.
With Yarra Trams outsourcing to Siemens, and Siemens outsourcing to Robin Johnson Engineering, and Robin Johnson Engineering outsourcing to a Chinese company. Who in the end has any responsibility?
Hopefully the NSW Government has taken notice of this issue to ensure the same doesn’t occur in Sydney.