Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Absurd rant from Andrew Constance on Newcastle buses

Apr 12, 2018Uncategorized

In an absurd rant in today’s Newcastle Herald, Andrew Constance claims to have ‘rescued’ the Newcastle bus and transport system (by flogging it off) and ‘rescued the city too.’

Newcastle bus drivers and commuters know that Constance is off his rocker with these delusional claims. If the Newcastle bus privatisation has been such a success and everyone loves it will the Minster please explain why:

  1. Drivers are not being paid correctly for the hours worked
  2. Roster principles not been adhered to
  3. On time running figures for mid trip have dropped from 87% under STA to 57% under Keolis Downer

4 Commuters are now required to catch 2 or 3 services instead of 1 as they used to be

  1. Services have been cut
  2. Bus stops have been closed
  3. Services have been cut to Access Industrial, a work shop for people living with a disability
  4. Services have stopped from running down Beaumont st, Hamilton a major shopping location with many popular eateries.
  5. 1,000 commuters attended the Newcastle Commuter Forum to protest their anger at the new time tables
  6. More will attend community rallies on Sunday
  7. 20,000 commuters signed a petition against the new time table introduced in Jan 18.

Minister, this is not an example of a ‘world class operator’

The privatisation of Newcastle buses has been a disaster and an absolute mess.

Andrew Constance is off the planet if he thinks he’s done a good job and deserves a slap on the back

It’s time Premier Berejiklian gave this failure a one way ticket to the back bench.

The full Newcastle Herald article can be read here

