Region 7 Update
Unfortunately, the loss of our Industrial Officer has impacted on our capacity at the office and delayed the Protected Action application to the Fair Work Commission. With Region 6 now sorted out, we will be focussing our attention on Region 7 and the upcoming Transdev Light Rail EA.
It remains the government’s job to direct TfNSW to fix Region 7. Unlike in 6 where we had been working on a solution for several years, Region 7 has had no progress made other than that the company wants to continue with a 2-tiered workplace and pay new drivers less with less conditions. The only way forward from the Busways perspective is for the RTBU to sell out new employees. This is not how we do things.
If approved by members, the Protected Action ballot will allow us to be ready to take Protected Industrial action as soon as it becomes needful no matter if we aim at Busways or TfNSW. That application will be submitted next week.