Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Region 8 payroll issues

Jul 29, 2022Uncategorized

Today we met with KDNB and the process seems to have picked up pace. The full list of payment types has been compiled and at the request of the RTBU, will be compared to the STA Payroll Manual to pick up any discrepancies.

While the union has been helping where we can ultimately, it’s up to the company to get this right. They have a HASTUS expert coming next week from overseas to work with their payroll and work out what’s going on. They have estimated that from then until problems are identified, fixed, tested and the solution finally rolled out would likely take 3 months. In the meantime, the audit will proceed as requested over the next few weeks.

The union made it clear today that while we have worked co-operatively to get the Enterprise Agreement across, the inability of the company to get the simple transaction of labour for wages right, cannot be allowed to continue.

It doesn’t matter that we’re all frustrated, it doesn’t even matter what’s being done to fix it at this point, what matters is DELIVERING A RESULT. If they can’t do that from this process then all bets are off.

