Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Region 7 negotiations

Jul 29, 2022Updates

We’ve now finalised outlining our general issues to Busways with their proposed Enterprise Agreement. The next step is for the company to get back to us with their position on the same items, after that we can get into the nuts and bolts of each issue and work through them It seems like there is not much that we won’t be able to find a middle ground on and if this continues, we’re confident that we can negotiate a decent outcome.

Members should remember that the company ALREADY HAS A TWO-TIERED WORKPLACE IN EFFECT. It is crucial if we don’t want to follow the Region 6 experience, that we do come to a negotiated outcome. As we’ve said before, we’re not going to be able to keep everything we had in the State Award, but the big-ticket items our members have said they want to keep will be there.

The company has said they want this done by the end of the year at the latest and so far they’ve stuck to that timeline.

