Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Region 7 Log of Claims survey

Mar 18, 2022Updates

The Log of Claims survey was completed in time for the first bargaining session. Originally scheduled for 25th March, late this afternoon it had to be rescheduled for 6th April.

The company has made it clear that they are seeking one set of conditions covering all employees going forward, with the aim of finishing up the process by the end of 2022. 

As long as bargaining takes place smoothly and in good faith, this is likely achievable. The company has agreed to some work practices like paying the 3 door bendy allowance while we negotiate, as a way of demonstrating they are genuine about reaching a settlement with workers that gets rid of the two-tiered workforce. We’ll see how we go.

A member update will follow after the Log of Claims has been finalised next week.

