Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Join the Rally to Save Our Buses

Nov 19, 2021Updates

The NSW Government confirmed their decision to go forward with slashing 24 bus services and at least 50 bust stops in the Eastern suburbs.

Not only will this take away thousands of services every day and jeopardise local access to public transport, it puts the fate of so many transport workers on the line. Cuts to bus services means cuts to our work. 

The cuts are due to start from December 5th. Leading up to it, during, and, if needed, beyond, we will continue to fight to save as many services and stops as possible. The retainment of the 373 has shown us that we can achieve this, and we must now extend this to all services on the chopping block.

Join the rally to Save Our Buses!

Date: Wednesday 24 November
Time: 1:00pm
Location: Martin Place, opposite Parliament House
What to Bring: Signs that call on the Government to stop the cuts and to Save Our Buses

