Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Government flags return to 2.5% Wages Policy

Jun 25, 2021Updates

In a move that will affect public sector/service wages for any Award negotiated in the next financial year, the government has backflipped on the 1.5% pay rise cap currently in the policy. 

This will affect the STA Bus Operations Award for the 2nd year pay increase only.

Like all Awards captured by the 12-month period flagged by the IRC decision of 0.3%, the new policy will not affect the first year pay rise.

The RTBU is obviously pushing for the new rate for the second year pay rise to be recognised immediately, and we fully expect that to be passed on to anyone covered by the Bus Op Award at that time.

STA have confirmed that backpay of the 0.3% is expected to be completed by the end of this financial year.

