Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Waverley Depot BBQ

Mar 17, 2021Updates

Our most recent member BBQ at Waverly Depot was a huge success!

It was well attended and it was great to catch up with members over tasty food.

There was lots of chatter, and most of it revolved around the recent results of the members’ decision to accept the offer from STA with regards to their award, and the strategies the union has in place to ensure that the members’ conditions are protected (along with a decent pay increase to be negotiated with the new operator) when transitioning from the State system to the Federal system.

We love holding these BBQs for you. So watch this space for news on the next one!

Another big thank you to Wagecover who has been supporting these BBQs. 

View some snaps of the day below!

