Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Wage freeze protest

Jun 3, 2020Updates

Recently the RTBU took a stand at the back of NSW Parliament House, rallying against the wage freeze announced by the Berejiklian Government.

It’s an attack on workers who have been braving the frontlines every single day during this health crisis without complaint and often without even the proper PPE. This is an unacceptable way to treat essential workers and the union won’t take it sitting down.

Conveniently the wage freeze wasn’t announced until after their own department heads had received obscene pay increases. The rich were allowed to get richer while those who have been on the ground putting their lives at risk were told it was for the greater good.

“We will stand up for our members and make as much noise as it takes. We want these politicians to know without a shadow of a doubt that we aren’t okay with this and neither is the public,” said RTBU Tram and Bus Division Secretary David Babineau.

“Offering $1000.00 before tax to accept a wage freeze of up to four years is pathetic, our members would be losing almost twice that in just one year. Privatising our buses, throwing thousands of dedicated workers into uncertainty for their future and then effectively cutting their wages is the exact opposite of what our essential workers deserve.”

