Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Teenage boy lucky to escape serious injury after being hit by tram

Oct 2, 2019Updates

Last week, a teenage boy narrowly escaped serious injury after he was hit by a tram during testing at Moore Park.

He received minor injuries and was taken to hospital in a stable condition.

The incident serves as a reminder that pedestrians need to be a lot more careful around trams and pay attention to tram testing signs. With the light rail being steadily rolled out across the city, there will be more and more chances for incidents to occur. Drivers undergo a lot of mandatory testing and are well prepared when they get in a vehicle. However, they cannot account for unsafe actions from other road users and all incidents deeply affect drivers.

“We are supporting our member as he deals with this frightening incident. Safety is the number one priority of all our drivers and we urge all users of the road to be more careful around tram testing sites. Accident or prank, this could have ended very badly for all concerned,” said RTBU Tram and Bus Secretary, David Babineau.

