Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Don’t Sell Our Buses: what you need to know about bus privatisation

Nov 4, 2019Updates

The NSW Government has made no secret of its plans to privatise more of Sydney’s bus networks.

Recent bus privatisation in the inner-west and Newcastle hasn’t worked. On-time running is down, routes have been cut, stops have closed, and workers’ conditions have plummeted.

In Region 6, on-time running has plummeted since the service was privatised. Since taking over, the private company has failed to meet its on-time running KPIs every month.

The NSW Government’s privatisation plans have failed dismally in Newcastle and in Region 6. It would be irresponsible for the Minister to even consider privatising even more of Sydney’s buses. But – we know what this Transport Minister is capable of…..

Commuters deserve to know their current routes and services are going to be protected, and bus drivers deserve to know their wages and conditions are also going to protected.

Cuts to local bus services aren’t just an inconvenience – they’re a serious risk. In Newcastle we’ve seen kids left by the side of the road; the less-able in the community forced to change buses multiple times to get to appointments, or stop using public transport altogether.

It’s a basic responsibility of our government to provide a safe, affordable and reliable public transport network, but at the moment the NSW Government seems intent on shirking that responsibility.

The RTBU is going to fight hard to protect bus drivers’ wages and working conditions. But if we’re to be successful, we all need to work together. This won’t be easy, but if we stay united, we can protect our jobs and our public transport system.

What can you do right now?

  • Talk to your family, friends and co-workers about the risks of privatisation. Got questions about privatisation? Speak to your local delegate or call the RTBU office.
  • Sign up to Our Transport: www.ourtransport.org.au and ask your family and friends to do the same. We’ll be campaigning publicly through that site.
  • Watch and share the video above.
  • If you haven’t already, join your union. We’re stronger together.

