Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Bus and tram members rally to #ChangeTheRules

Apr 12, 2019Updates

Australian workers right around the country attended a range of rallies on Wednesday April 10th to protest against the Federal Government’s atrocious leadership and their treatment of the Australian workforce.

Under this Federal Government wage growth has hit an all-time low, industrial laws protecting workers have been eroded to the ground, and penalty rates have been cut.

Tram and Bus Division President, Daniel Jaggers said, “The average Australian is struggling to get by as their wages are stagnant but the cost of everything else is rising. It is important now more than ever for our members to get active and come along and rally at every opportunity they can.”

“It was great to see our members from the Tram and Bus Division particularly present at the rallies in the federal seat of Robertson and in Newcastle.” Mr Jaggers said. (Pictured below)

The event in Newcastle was attended by Newcastle delegates Robin O’Donogue (Belmont), Glenn Saunders (Hamilton), Leanne Holmes (National Vice President, Affirmative Action) along with other RTBU members within the Newcastle Region.

The Tram and Bus Division would also like to thank Greg Cameron from our RTBU Locomotive Division for organising the RTBU’s presence at this important rally.  It was also a great opportunity for our delegates to meet and mingle with other union delegates from other industries across the Newcastle area.

The next events members can get involved in will be May Day rallies on Wednesday May 1 and Sunday May 5th. These are annual protests where workers across Australia will be rallying to Change The Rules by changing the government. Click here to find out more information about the May Day rally on May 1 (Sydney) May 1 (Newcastle) or click here for May 5 (Sydney). 

