Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

No Confidence in Constance – Newcastle rally

Oct 13, 2017Updates

We could feel the anger and frustration in the air this morning as we joined with Newcastle transport workers, from across divisions, in presenting 60 signed motions of No Confidence against the incompetent Minister for Transport, Andrew Constance.

We had members there today whose pay has been wrong for months, and while Constance and Keolis call them “teething problems”, that buck doesn’t pass with us. The Minister was more interested in palming off the Newcastle buses into private hands than he was concerned about workers, their jobs, and commuters – who are now all paying the price.

This Minister has no interest in improving jobs or transport in Newcastle. He’s just interested in keeping his mates happy and attacking jobs and unions.

He started his privatisation scheme in Newcastle, and now he’s doing the same thing with the region 6 buses in Sydney. And we know it’s not the end. Constance’s tenure has been full of transport failures, budget blow-outs and decisions which continuously put his own greed above commuter interests.

We’ve had enough.

We’re proud of the workers across the state who have taken a stand and moved motions of no confidence in the Transport Minister, Andrew Constance as we presented them today in Newcastle.

Thank you to everyone who signed the motion and particularly to the workers in Newcastle for joining us today.

