Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Sydney’s bus future?

Dec 12, 2013News

A new 20-year bus plan for Sydney has been released by the State Government today.

It includes plans for a three tiered system of services. According to the Minister media release:

  • Rapid routes will connect major centres and provide a ‘turn up and go’ service like existing Metrobuses, with a bus at least every 10 minutes on weekdays.
  • Customers on ‘Suburban’ routes will get a bus at least every 10 minutes in commuter peaks and every 15 minutes during the day on weekdays.
  • Timetabled Local services will complete the network with buses stopping every 400 metres.

The plan also talks about developing more bus lanes and giving more traffic signal priority to buses, especially at pinch points.

There are no concrete timeframes for delivery and no consideration for funding or workforce requirements.

Plans come and go. We’ll have to see if this one is any different.

You can see the full plan here.

