Union rejects Award variation

Nov 6, 2012News

The RTBU would like to assure members it has no intention of consenting to any Award variations following STA CEO Mr Peter Rowley’s article on bus driver reforms in the last edition of We’re Moving Sydney (formally Transit Times).

It is disappointing that less than a year after negotiating their working conditions in good faith with State Transit, bus drivers are now being threatened with privatisation unless they accept proposed “efficiencies”.

When the last negotiations took place it was with an understanding there would be no changes to the Award, from anyone, for three years. Now STA says it wants to go back on that agreement.

The union will stand firm and continue to argue that, in line with the three-year length of the Agreement, conditions will not change until it expires.

Members will shortly receive correspondence from the RTBU that will clearly outline the union’s assessment of the reform proposals laid out by Mr Rowley in his article.


