The new IR laws – where to now?
The new State Industrial Relations laws have passed into law.
Pay rises for State Government workers are now capped at 2.5 per cent – below the level of inflation – with any additonal wage rises are now tied to productivity (cost savings).
The legislation also requires the Industrial Relations Commission to consent to government policy. This means there is no longer an independent umpire in disputes over wages and conditions, and NSW workers no longer have legal recourse when dealing with employers.
The questions now are:
– Who or what body will define productivity?
– When and how will the effects be felt for bus drivers?
– How will it effect the current STA award negotiations?
The RTBU is currently gathering information about how the new laws will affect members and hope to offer some information sessions in the near future.
In the meantime, you can let your local MP know exactly how you feel about the IR laws via the Better State web site, which has an easy link that will find your local MP and send him or her an email.