Randwick dispute over inductions for staff on loan
When a driver on loan from Leichhardt recently turned up to work at Randwick depot and was told there was no need for a depot induction, the RTBU immediately placed the matter into dispute.
The matter was resolved when depot manager Shelly De Courcy Lys responded to the dispute, stating that any driver that is transferred would be rostered enough time to be inducted at the depot and the driver concerned was inducted properly.
If you are on loan to another depot you must be inducted to the site as per Work Cover and OH&S requirements. If you haven’t been inducted to the site you can not commence duty at that location.
This also applies to vehicle inductions whilst on loan at other depots. If you have not received training in a particular vehicle, you cannot move it until you have received the appropriate training and it has been signed off by a BOT2.
At Randwick we are ensuring that any driver that is loaned to our depot is inducted properly and has a system in place to ensure it happens before they sign on.
Depot and bus inductions can only be carried out by a BOT1, BOT2 or management and the RTBU have placed notices around the depots to ensure members are aware of what is required.
If you have any issues whilst on loan in regards to depot inductions and bus training, ask for your local delegate to contact the Redfern RTBU offices immediately on (02) 9319 7277 or info@busexpress.com.au