Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Scrap No More at Waverley

Jan 9, 2012News

The members at Waverley Depot ended 2011 on a high note after a hard-fought win against STA over the block rolling roster system .

The union committee fought for six months against unfair and unpredictable holiday rostering for holiday relief drivers.  This system is disastrous for work/life balance because drivers would not know what type of shifts they would be working from month to month.

Even though this rostering system only affected new drivers, senior drivers at the depot fully supported their workmates.  Every time STA attempted to introduce the new roster, members carried unanimous resolutions to take action against it being implemented.

Eventually management agreed to a introduce a fairer system in 2012.

This new system provides more stable shift types, which is even better than the previous ‘scrap’ roster.

“The members are very happy,” said delegate Wendy Wirth.

“Other depots suffered unstable system, but here at Waverley members helped each other and took on the fight.

“We are very proud of the support shown by members across all rosters.”


