Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Representing bus drivers and light rail workers across NSW

Welcome to Tram and Bus Express!

Tram and Bus Express is where you can access the latest tram and bus news and find out about the ways you can take action in your workplace.

When you join our union you are joining thousands of other transport workers in NSW who are taking a stand for better working conditions and who are fighting to protect our public transport network which continuously comes under attack by private operators and government.

Being a union member also means you’re part of a wider group of hundreds of thousands of workers from all industries across the country who are standing together for fairer wages and safer, stronger, working conditions.

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Election notice- nominations open for positions (updated)

Jan 25, 2024News

Casual vacancy and insufficient nominations election. Download the form to view the positions open for nomination. Read More »

Media release: Tomorrow’s light rail stoppages cancelled as workers reach in-principle agreement

May 28, 2024Media

The protected industrial action on Sydney’s light rail scheduled for tomorrow (Wednesday) has been cancelled after an in-principle agreement on […] Read More »

Media release: Sydney light rail workers forced to take protected industrial action

May 27, 2024Media

Workers refuse to check tickets; trams to stop for 2hrs Wed morning and afternoon Light rail workers will refuse to […] Read More »

May Day 2024

Apr 23, 2024News

Join us on Wednesday May 1st at 10.30am, for the march from Belmore Park to Hyde Park. Download the flyer […] Read More »

International Workers Memorial Day

Apr 16, 2024Uncategorized

International Day of Mourning is held annually to honour those who have lost their lives as a result of a […] Read More »

Busways EA update

Apr 5, 2024Uncategorized

We find ourselves in a new phase of our ongoing battle for equality in the Busways workplace. Recent meetings with […] Read More »

Bringing Back STA: The Benefits of a Government Operator 

Apr 5, 2024Uncategorized

The RTBU continues to lobby within the Labor Party for the return of State Transit as a government operator in […] Read More »

Region 8 Update

Apr 5, 2024Uncategorized

As you’ve all been aware, the pay issue in Region 8 has been an ongoing process of trying to work […] Read More »

RTBU Pushes for Pay Rise and Standardised Bus Training 

Apr 5, 2024Uncategorized

The RTBU is working diligently behind the scenes, through the Bus Taskforce, to secure a pay adjustment for all bus […] Read More »

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