No Images? Click here ![]() Bus ExpressTuesday August 7, 2018Dear members, This week we travelled to Canberra to meet our new light rail drivers as the new LRV trams prepare to take the tracks. We had the opportunity to inspect the new trams to ensure they are up to scratch for our members, and you can see a shot of the shiny new trams in this edition of Bus Express. After negotiating a Greenfields Agreement for the Canberra Light Rail drivers earlier this year, we are looking forward to representing a strong and unionised workforce. This week we also heard another Constance fail in the news, with revelations that his 'uber bus scheme' is costing tax payers $180 per trip, per passenger. What else can we expect to come from this incompetent Minister? We slammed Constance's uber bus scheme on Sydney radio and spoke to other Sydney media. You can read our Media Release and the stories we organised below. It's fantastic to see our members in Newcastle fundraising money for local draught affected farmers. We encourage all members to get involved and donate via the unique "Bussies for Bales" link in this newsletter. In Solidarity, Chris Preston and Dave Woollams
![]() ![]() We knew this would happen, we've been in the media since the first day this 'uber-bus-scheme' was announced by Constance last year. This is a system which has failed in every city it's been trialled in, and surprise surprise, now it's failed in Sydney too! Constance's on-demand buses are costing taxpayers $180 per passenger per trip and it's an absolute disgrace. Instead of investing in our public transport, Constance would rather see taxpayer dollars run down the drain on failing private 'uber-buses'. Read our Media Release we sent to media below, and check out the media story we set up here: "NSW Government criticised for new bus routes that cost taxpayer $180 per trip" Media Release, July 31, 2018 The NSW Government’s ‘on-demand’ buses are proving to be the failure bus drivers warned they would be, with figures revealed in June showing the exact cost to taxpayers: $180 per passenger, per trip. Reports in July in the Sydney Morning Herald further vindicate warnings by the union that Sydney’s ‘on-demand’ buses would be a complete waste of taxpayer money. Rail, Tram and Bus Union NSW Bus Secretary Chris Preston said the on-demand bus system was destined to fail, and called on the Government to immediately stop the extreme cost to taxpayers. “This is almost unbelievable that the Government are pushing ahead with a scheme which sees taxpayers fork out $180 per passenger, per trip,” Mr Preston said. “Minister Constance’s pie in the sky ‘uber style’ bus scheme has also been trialled in Boston, Washington, Kansas and Helsinki and in all cases they have gone broke because the cost and subsidies per rider were simply too high.” “This Government is tipping taxpayers dollars into a scheme that is clearly failing and is destined to go bust, just like it has in every other place it’s been trialled This Government clearly have their priorities wrong.” Mr Preston said that the ‘Uber bus scheme’ had failed in other places because of ‘dead running’ where the bus runs empty from one job to another, and every kilometre travelled without passengers onboard adds to the cost. Read the full Media Release here on Bus Express. Check out the media story we set up here: "NSW Government criticised for new bus routes that cost taxpayer $180 per trip" Inspecting Canberra's new trams![]() Pictured: RTBU NSW Bus & Tram President, Dave Woollams On Monday July 30, we were out inspecting Canberra's new trams and chatting to our new drivers ahead of LRV's taking the tracks. The Government expect drivers to be on the tracks and transporting passengers by the end of the year. Dave Woollams, RTBU NSW Bus & Tram Division President said "It was fantastic to meet our new drivers in Canberra and to be out on the tracks inspecting the new trams, ensuring they are up to scratch for our members. "We've already established a solid Greenfields Agreement to cover these new drivers and we look forward to representing a strong and unionised workforce on the Canberra Light Rail." RTBU – 2018 union elections noticeNominations for the RTBU elections for National and NSW Branch positions for 2018 have now closed. Nominations may be withdrawn up to, but no later than 5pm on Thursday 2 August 2018. Bussies for Bales!![]() Checkout the great fundraiser that our members in Newcastle are getting involved in. The Bussies for Bales fundraiser is an initiative started by a Newcastle bus driver, John Wagner to assist our drought affected farmers around the state. The donations will go towards purchasing bales of hay to feed the starving animals. Chris Preston, RTBU NSW Bus and Tram Division Secretary said "It's fantastic to see our members getting active and supporting this worthy cause. Our farmers are in desperate need of help." "Congratulations to all involved, with a special congrats to our Belmont RTBU delegate Robin O'Donoghue for organising donations." Newcastle bus depots have been raising money for their local farmers in the Upper Hunter region. The donations being collected at depots by the Bussies for Bales organisers are being directed to Rural Aid "Buy a Bale" campaign to purchase the bales for the farmers. We encourage all members across the state to be a part of this great fundraising initiative “Bussies for Bales” and donate to our farmers in need. The best way to donate is by clicking this unique link for the Bussies for Bales initiative which will track how much money we raise! ![]() |